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Bristol 871 Series Laser Wavelength Meter

Home Products Laser Accessories Laser Diagnostics Bristol 871 Series Laser Wavelength Meter
Bristol 871 Series Laser Wavelength Meter

Bristol 871 Series Laser Wavelength Meter

Fast, accurate, and reliable wavelength measurement of pulsed and CW lasers

Bristol Instruments



The 871 Laser Wavelength Meter uses a proven Fizeau etalon design to measure the wavelength of pulsed and CW lasers to an accuracy as high as ± 0.2 parts per million (± 0.0002 nm at 1000 nm). Automatic calibration with a built-in wavelength standard guarantees this performance to ensure the most meaningful experimental results.



  • Wavelength measured to an accuracy as high as ± 0.0001ppm
  • Automatic calibration with a built-in wavelength standard
  • Wavelength range options available from 375nm to 2500nm
  • Sustained measurment rate of 1kHz
  • Convenient pre-aligned fibre-optic input
  • Straightforward operation with PC using high-speed USB or Ethernet interfaces
  • Display software provided to control measurement parameters and report wavelength data
  • Convenient table/smartphone application to report wavelength data anywhere in the laboratory
  • Automatic wavelength reporting using custom or LabVIEW programming eliminates the need for a dedicated PC
  • 5 year warranty

The 871 Laser Wavelength Meter generates a spatial interferogram that is detected by a fast photodetector array. An on-board digital signal processor quickly converts the interferometric information to wavelength. Because this calculation is done internally, a sustained measurement rate as high as 1 kHz is achieved.


Wavelength measurements can be reported at this rate by data streaming with an RS-422 serial interface, or an internal data buffer is available to save up to one million measurements.


For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


       871 Datasheet                                                        Read more on Bristol's website