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Prior HLD117 Linear Motor Stage

Prior HLD117 Linear Motor Stage

High precision microscope stages with linear motor technology

Prior Scientific

The HLD117 series of flat top stages with linear motor technology for inverted research microscopes set new standards for convenience and performance. Designed to seamlessly integrate with other items such as micromanipulators and incubation chambers, the top surface of the stage is completely free of obstruction. This provides a highly ergonomic platform with exceptionally easy access to the sample area. The HLD117 incorporates constant contact bearings giving the lowest friction and smoothest drive available.


  • Superior repeatability - 0.15 μm
  • Faster scanning speeds up to 300mm/sec
  • Low profile
  • Ultra quiet operation
  • Super smooth movements
  • Flat top design
  • Integrated 50nm encoders as standard
  • Compatible with Prior NanoScan Piezo Z stages
  • Fixed stage cable eliminates cable drag improving performance
  • Integrates/compatible with most imaging software
  • Range of standard sample holders

For further information please contact us, download the datasheet or watch the video.

HLD117 datasheet Read more on Prior's website