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Bruker NanoRacer High-Speed AFM

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Bruker NanoRacer High-Speed AFM

Bruker NanoRacer High-Speed AFM

Highest imaging speed with up to 50 frames per second

Bruker NanoSurfaces


The NanoRacer® High-Speed AFM marks a quantum leap in quantitative imaging capabilities. The real-time visualisation of dynamic biological processes with nanometer resolution has never been easier. The NanoRacer opens a world of new and exciting possibilities for Life Science applications, enabling researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of complex biological systems and molecular mechanisms, in a way not possible until now.



  • Single molecule binding behavior
  • Dynamics in two-dimensional protein assemblies
  • Enzyme activity monitoring
  • Assembly and disassembly processes of protein structures
  • DNA origami assembly
  • Protein/protein interactions
  • Motor protein and membrane trafficking dynamics
  • Virus and bacteria morphology and dynamics

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


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