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WPI EVOM Auto TEER Measurement

WPI EVOM Auto TEER Measurement

WPI EVOM Auto TEER Measurement

Combining TEER measurements with a high throughput format for drug discovery

World Precision Instruments



The EVOM™ Auto automates measurements of TEER in epithelial or endothelial monolayers cultured on high throughput screening 96-well plates utilising our innovative EVOM technology, qualitatively measuring cell monolayer health and quantitatively measuring cell confluence by determining an increase or a plateau in tissue resistance.


Automated measurement of tissue resistance in cell culture microplates provides the advantages of speed and precision, minimises the chances of contamination, and ensures the rapid availability of measured resistance data. EVOM™ Auto produces a low AC current that avoids electrode metal deposits and is specially designed for the non-destructive, high throughput screening of epithelial monolayer confluence in cell cultures.



  • Most reliable and convenient method of evaluation and monitoring the structural integrity of epithelial tissue culture in vitro
  • High-throughput 96-well plate system for labs with high volume
  • Unparalleled measurement accuracy with continuous data recording capability
  • Measure cellular activity label-free and real-time

For further information please contact us or read more on WPI's website.

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