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Andor Balor Very Large Area sCMOS Camera (Astronomy)

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Andor Balor Very Large Area sCMOS Camera (Astronomy)

Andor Balor Very Large Area sCMOS Camera (Astronomy)

Capture More. Further. Faster.




Balor is Andor's new very large area sCMOS camera platform for Atronomy. It is the perfect solution for Large Sky Surveys that measure photometric and astrometric variability across timescales ranging from milliseconds to tens of seconds. Watch the launch video.



  • 16.9 Megapixel/70mm sensor - large sky surveys
  • 54fps full frame - fast solar dynamics/fast moving objects
  • Low read noise - detect weak signals/small objects
  • Extended Dynamic range - across range of object brightness/sizes
  • Minimal down time - vacuum longevity and quality: no moisture

Balor is the largest commercially available sCMOS camera, designed for 'dynamic astronomy' applications such as Orbital Debris tracking, Solar Astronomy, Solar System Object detection, Exoplanet Discovery, Atmospheric Studies and Fast Time Resolution Astrophysics. Balor lends itself particularly well to the 'atmospheric freezing' techniques of Speckle/Lucky Imaging, enabling resolution enhancement of ground-based astronomy over a much larger field of view than is readily achievable through use of adaptive optics.


For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


Balor Marana Zyla


       Balor datasheet                                                          Read more on Andor website