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Gatan Analytical Holders

Gatan Analytical Holders

Gatan Analytical Holders

Optimised for EDS analysis at ambient temperature

Gatan Inc




TEM analytical holders are designed for basic imaging and analytical applications, such as electron diffraction and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis of crystalline TEM specimens.


  • A beryllium specimen cradle minimizes unwanted x-ray signals
  • Cut-outs in the specimen tip are matched to the TEM configuration and provide a clear path between the sample and detector to reduce shadowing for EDS analysis
  • To facilitate quantitative x-ray analysis, non-rotating holder versions are equipped with a small Faraday cup located near the specimen cradle at the tip of the holder
  • Electrical connections are available for the non-rotating versions of the holder


Model Number Beryllium Cradle Specimen Positioning Specimen Securing Motorised Control Faraday Cup Max. electrical feed-throughs (optional)
643 Standard α Tilt Hexring mechanism   Standard 6
646 Standard α, β Tilt Hexring β Tilt Standard 4-6 *
650 Standard α Tilt and rotation Hexring Rotation No 0
925 Standard α, β Tilt and rotation Hexring   No 0

* 2-6 for JEOL UHR, 2-4 for all otehr EMMs

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.

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