Lake Shore 8425 DC Hall System with Cryogenic Probe Station

Lake Shore 8425 DC Hall System with Cryogenic Probe Station
Non-destructive Hall measurement of wafer-scale materials in a tightly controller cryogenic environment
Featuring the latest in Lake Shore Hall measurement capabilities, the Model 8425 is ideal for a number of applied physics, electrical engineering, materials research, and product R&D applications. Measure electronic and magneto-transport properties of novel materials, including:
Solar cells : OPV's, a:Si, μc-Si, CdTe, CuInGaSe (CIGS)
Organic electronics : OTFT's, Pentacene, Chacogenides, OLED's
III-V semiconductors : InP, InSb, InAs, GaN, GaP, GaSb, AIN-based devices, high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), heterojunction bipolar transistors
II-VI semiconductors : CdS, CdSe, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, HgCdTe
Elemental semiconductors : Ge, Si on insulator devices (SOI), SiC, doped diamond SiGe-based devices (HBTs and FETs)
High-temperature superconductors
- A complete Hall effect measurement system using device probing under vacuum in a probe station
- Supports a range of DC field Hall measurements measure mobility on wafer-scale materials and structures as a function of temperature and field
- DC fields to 2T and resistances from 0.5m? to 100G?
- Vary temperatures from 10K to 400K using closed-cycle refrigerator - no cryogen required
- Includes intuitive 8400 Series software for easy system operation, data acquisition, and analysis
- Supports exporting of data for multi-carrier analysis
- 3-year standard warranty
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.