Single Quantum Eos Multi-channel SNSPD Closed-cycle system
Home Products Instrumentation Single Photon Detection Single Quantum Eos Multi-channel SNSPD Closed-cycle system

Single Quantum Eos Multi-channel SNSPD Closed-cycle system
High detection efficiency. Unrivalled time resolution
Single Quantum Eos is the flagship product of Single Quantum. It consists of a compact closed-cycle cryostat, a dedicated helium compressor, fiber-coupled SNSPDs (Supercondcuting nanowire single photon detector), a user-friendly electronic driver, and the Single Quantum software. Single Quantum provides the fastest and most sensitive single photon detectors on the market.
- Unparalleled system efficiency: >90%
- Low timing jitter: <15 ps
- High count rate: >80 MHz
- Low dark count rate: <10 Hz
- No helium consumption
- No afterpulsing
- Continuous operation: >10,000 hours
- Sensitivity from UV to mid-IR
- Gating not needed
- Long lifetime
- Upgradeable
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.