Stanford SC10 High Stability Ovenised Oscillator
Stanford SC10 High Stability Ovenised Oscillator
Features SC-cut crystal for lowest phase noise characteristics
The SC10 is a high stability ovenised 10 MHz quartz oscillator that combines excellent phase noise, Allan variance and aging characteristics. Using an SC-cut crystal for lowest phase noise characterisatics, and an innovative "electronic double oven" temperature controller to minimise temperature gradients, the SC10 achieves a one second Allan variance of 2 x 10-12 and an aging rate of only 2 x 10-10, making it ideal for virtually any precision timing application.
- SC-cut crystal for low phase noise
- 2 x 10-12 Allan variance (1s)
- Low aging (<2 x 10-10/day)
- +15 or +24 VDC operation
- Electronic frequency control
For further information please contact us or donwload the datasheet.