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Coherent Pulse Compressors

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Coherent Pulse Compressors

Coherent Pulse Compressors

Compress the broadband pulses from the Chameleon Discovery and Vitara Ti:S oscillators



Pulse compressors are versatile accessories to compress the broadband pulses from the Chameleon Discovery and Vitara Ti:S oscillators. Adding GVD (Group Velocity Dispersion) they also allow users to precompensate for the dispersion introduced with downstream optics in order to shorten the pulsewidth at the sample. There are two types:


The new CPC-II Compact Pulse Compressor for Vitara is designed to deliver near transform-limited pulses at the target sample. The CPC-II achieves this by introducing continusouly variable regative Group Delay Diseprsion (GDD/prechirp) to precisely compensate for normal dispersion of downstream optics. Uaing chirped-mirror technology, the CPC-II provides an ultra-compact footprint for maximum ease-of-use and the input and output beam ports are in line to enable simple experimental setups.


CPC 1040 is a pulse compressor for the 1040nm output from the Chameleon Discovery. It will ensure highest peak power is delivered directly to the sample plane.


For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


CPC datasheet                                                                     CPC1040 datasheet



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