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Coherent Innova Sabre Ion Laser

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Coherent Innova Sabre Ion Laser

Coherent Innova Sabre Ion Laser

The ultimate in high-power ion laser performance, combined with ease-of-use



The Innova Sabre series from Coherent Inc provides the ultimate in high-power ion laser performance, combined with extraordinary ease-of-use. An extremely stable passive design, combined with performance-enhancing active stabilisation, ensures rock-solid operation, day after day. Sabre's powerful Sentry laser management system optimises all beam parameters to deliver the highest beam quality.


Features such as automatic wavelength selection and mode control bring increased productivity to every experiment or project. The result is optimal performance and completely hands-off operation. All laser functions are controlled from a compact, digital, remote module. Standard RS-232/422 and IEEE-488 interfaces also allow for external computer control.



  • Sentry system provides hands-off operation via Search-and-Tune and Automatic Mode Control
  • PowerTrack active cavity stabilisation assures lowest noise, best transverse mode and highest stability
  • Integral Heat Exchanger ensures superior cooling temperature control for enhanced stability
  • Low Acoustic Noise Magnet for minimum beam jitter and coupled vibration
  • External-Cavity Laser Shutter for safety and convenience
  • v-Track active cavity length stabilisation for highest single-frequency performance within 5 mintues of turn-on
  • Series V plasma tubes for highest perofrmance and longest lifetime

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


 Innova Sabre datasheet                                                     Read more on Coherent Inc's website