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Coherent Compass DPSS Lasers

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Coherent Compass DPSS Lasers

Coherent Compass DPSS Lasers

CW green laser with best performance-to-price ratio



Excellent laser beam parameters, highest unit-to-unit consistency, hands-free operation plus superior reliability and lifetime make the Compass the recognised indutry standard in demanding applications such as medical diagnosis or cytometry.


Coherent Inc's unique, patented PermAlignTM technology: optical components are aligned to optimum and then permanently fixed by soldering making the lasers optimally aligned over their whole lifetime, insensitive to vibration and thermal cycles. These lasers are manufactured in controlled clean rooms and hermetically sealed before being end-tested extensively.



  • Best performance-to-price ratio
  • Excellent laser beam parameters
  • Reliable by design
  • Highest unit-to-unit consistency
  • Unsurpassed lifetime
  • Lowest cost of ownership

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


Compass 115M datasheet                                                      Lasers for Life Sciences Catalogue