Coherent Entertainment Genesis Taipan CW Lasers

Coherent Entertainment Genesis Taipan CW Lasers
High power lasers for entertainment applications
Obtain richer, more vibrant colours for your next show with Coherent Inc's new Genesis Taipan family of lasers. Based on their unique Optically Pumped Semiconductor Laser (OPSL) architecture, these lasers have the ability to deliver high output powers at unique wavelengths. With a wavelength range from 460nm to 639nm, the high power Taipan lasers come in a variety that fully satisfies all entertainment laser applications.
- OPSL reliability
- Compact, efficienct design
- Modulation rate to >50kHz
- Low heat load for ease of integration
- Ability to deliver high output powers at unique wavelengths
- 1W and 2W at 460nm
- 2W and 4W at 480nm
- 3W, 5W, 8W and 10W at 532nm
- 3W and 5W at 577nm
- 2.5W at 639nm
- Sealed maintenance free design
- Unmatched sharpness and contrast
- Fast direction modulation
- Deep customised system integration
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.