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Quantel Peacock 532 Integrated OPO and Nd:YAG Laser

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Quantel Peacock 532 Integrated OPO and Nd:YAG Laser

Quantel Peacock 532 Integrated OPO and Nd:YAG Laser

Fully automated for hands-free operation




The Peacock 532 is a tunable pulsed nanosecond laser source in the near IR. It includes a compact and rugged CFR-type Nd:YAG laser pumping a state-of-the-art OPO. The whole unit is integrated on a single bench, which can easily be inserted into a complex system. With its fully automated wavelength selection, real-time output energy control or laser beam shaping capability, it has outstanding versatility. Peacock is then the ideal tool for users who are looking for a high quality laser for demanding applications in the medical, biotechnology or spectroscopy fields.



  • Compact, integrated Nd:YAG-OPO platform
  • Designed for easy integration
  • Up to 30Hz
  • Real-time analog OPO energy monitor output
  • Fully automated for hands-free operation
  • User defined fibre-delivery or free-space output

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


   Peacock datasheet                                                        Read more on Quantel's website