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Quantel versaScan-L532 OPO (660nm - 2.55um)

Home Products Lasers Tunable Quantel versaScan-L532 OPO (660nm - 2.55um)
Quantel versaScan-L532 OPO (660nm - 2.55um)

Quantel versaScan-L532 OPO (660nm - 2.55um)

Broadband and midband options




The versaScan is a modular OPO that can reach high energies in the near IR. It can be configured for either broadband or midband operation. Reliability and long lifetime are achieved thanks to a soft pumping scheme. versaScan is pumped @ 532nm by the whole Q-smart series of Nd:YAG lasers.



  • Modular and reliable design
  • High energies in near-IR
  • Broadband or Midband operation
  • Robust and long lasting

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


versaScan-L532 datasheet                                                 Read more on Quantel's website