Coherent RAPID LX Industrial Picosecond Laser

Coherent RAPID LX Industrial Picosecond Laser
Choose up to 250uJ single pulse energy at 1064nm, or 50uJ at 355nm
The optimal laser source for brittle material cutting, as well as a flexible UV solution for micromachining, in a physically compact and economic design.
Rapid LX has a unique combination of pulse energy and operational flexibility for significantly reduced cost-per-part over previous generation USP lasers. It's ideally suited for brittle material cutting, micromachining in flat panel display and microelectronics processing.
- 1064nm or 355nm
- Unique combination of pulse energy, opertional flexibilty and delivers significantly reduced cost-per-part for micromaching applications
- PulseEQ provides equal, perfectly stabilsed pulse energy down to single shots with maximum timing accuacy
- Compact and light weight, optimised footprint
- Many product support options to optimise uptime and cost-of-ownership
The proven design of the Rapid LX provides excellent beam quality and stability over the complete range of repetition rates from single shot to 5 MHz. The PulseEQ feature enables maximum flexibility in process development and helps to vastly increase throughput and process quality for complex industrial applications. The rugged and modular design allows to maintain perfect alignment and performance under all conditions. The small footprint, a one-box design and a well-defined output beam alignment ensure effortless integration. The Rapid LX is backed up with worldwide service support to match the most demanding uptime and cost-of-ownership requirements.
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.