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DRS Daylight MIRcat-QT Ultra-Broadly Tunable Mid-IR Laser

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DRS Daylight MIRcat-QT Ultra-Broadly Tunable Mid-IR Laser

DRS Daylight MIRcat-QT Ultra-Broadly Tunable Mid-IR Laser

Peak velocities up to 30,000cm-1/s

Daylight Solutions



The MIRcat-QT adds high-speed tuning, higher spectral repeatability, improved thermal management, and longer-wavelength options to the first generation of the MIRcat laser, a field-proven multi-quantum cascade laser system. The MIRcat-QT is truly a one-box, fully automated system with a flexible, modular design that allows factory configuration of up to four pulsed or continuous wave/pulsed modules, plus the option to add or upgrade modules later.



  • Wavelength availability: 3-13μm
  • Tune up to 1000 cm-1 speeds up to 5000 cm-1/s
  • CW* or pulsed output (up to 3 MHz/30% duty)*
  • Ultra-quiet CW: RIN as low as -140 dBc/Hz
  • Superb TEM00 beam quality and low beam pointing allows fibre coupling
  • High output power for high SNR*: to > 1 W (peak) and > 0.5 W (average)
  • GUI and SDK command sets included
  • Proprietary HFQD™ circuitry protects your chips

The MIRcat-QT offers a tuning range approaching 1000 cm-1 (> 6μm) and wavelength coverage to > 13μm. It also delivers unmatched, industry-leading performance in critical areas like peak tuning speeds of > 30,000cm-1/s, output power up to 1W, and TEM00 beam quality to enable high-efficiency fiber coupling. A new, higher-precision tuning mechanism and lower-noise drive electronics provide wavelength repeatability as high as < 0.1cm-1 and CW RIN as low as -140dBc/Hz.


For more information please contact us or download the datasheet.


    MIRcat-QT datasheet                                                  Read more on DRS Daylight's website