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Energetiq EQ-77X Extreme High Brightness, Laser-Driven Light Source

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Energetiq EQ-77X Extreme High Brightness, Laser-Driven Light Source

Energetiq EQ-77X Extreme High Brightness, Laser-Driven Light Source

High radiance and irradiance


Based on the highly successful Laser-Driven Light Source (LDLS) technology, the EQ-77X offers the highest radiance and irradiance available in a truly broadband white light source from UV to visible and into the NIR. The EQ-77 features a compact lamp house, with clean construction that ensures long life and ultimate stability. With a 170nm-2100nm wavelength range and a single-beam output with retro-reflector, the EQ-77 is flexible for a broad variety of applications.

Researchers using light for imaging and analytical spectroscopy in a variety of applications in the life sciences and materials sciences need light sources capable of providing extreme high brightness and power across a broad wavelength range.


  • Radiance >40mW/mm2.sr.nm (wavelength dependent), fastest measurements
  • Very low noise and excellent spatial stability, precise & repeatable results
  • Compact lamphouse with water-cooling and clean construction, long life and stability
  • Extreme high brightness across broad spectrum, UV-Vis-NIR (170nm - 2100nm)
  • Electrodeless operation, long life and low cost of ownership
  • Electronic optical output control, light attenuation

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.

EQ-77X datasheet Read more on Energetiq's website