Coherent OPerA Solo Integrated OPA

Coherent OPerA Solo Integrated OPA
Fully integrated, computer-controlled femtosecond optical parametric amplifier
This family of fully integrated, computer-controlled femtosecond optical parametric amplifier (OPA's) extends the tuning capability of Coherent's kHz ultrafast amplifiers (eg, Legend Elite and Libra) from 190nm to 20,000nm.
As the first unit of its kind, the OPerA Solo integrates all pump conditioning optics and wavelength extension options inside one enclosure. This makes the OPerA Solo a very compact and easy-to-use device. When used in combination with the new Legend Elite amplifier and Micra seed laser, the OPerA Solo system offers a unique, compact and reliable approach to high-performance ultrafast.
Fully integrated, 1-box system
Convenient computer-controlled tuning
Options for 240nm to 20μm tuning
Configurations to accommodate Femto, USP and USX pulse widths from Coherent kHz femtosecond amplifiers
Fresh pump configurations for optimum spatial, temporal and spectral performance
Multiple OPA's may be pumped by a single kHz amplifier
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.