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EDAX PRIAS Pattern Region of Interest Analysis System

Home Products Electron Microscopy SEM Analysis EDAX PRIAS Pattern Region of Interest Analysis System
EDAX PRIAS Pattern Region of Interest Analysis System

EDAX PRIAS Pattern Region of Interest Analysis System

Innovative imaging system for synchronous collection from multipositional electron detectors




The EDAX Pattern Region of Interest Analysis System (PRIAS™) is a synergistic approach for imaging and visualising a material’s microstructural features. This unique system uses electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) detectors to capture and index EBSD patterns and as an array of positional electron detectors for sample imaging. By synchronously imaging from up to 25 detector regions of interest (ROIs), multiple images can be generated and displayed simultaneously, showing orientation, atomic number, and topographic contrasts. Further arithmetic processing of this array of images allows unprecedented analysis and visualization of material microstructure and the isolation, enhancement, or suppression of specific contrast mechanisms of interest.


PRIAS Live Mode
Dedicated mode for fast microstructural imaging with 25 positional detectors available.
25 fixed ROI detectors

PRIAS Collection Mode
PRIAS imaging data is automatically collected simultaneously with APEXTM EBSD mapping data.
No user input is required for collection
Preset ROIs for orientation, topographic, and atomic number contrast imaging
Direct correlation with orientation, chemical and phase data

PRIAS Analysis Mode
Imaging generated from saved EBSD patterns
Fully flexible positioning of ROI detectors
Direct correlation with orientation, chemical and phase data

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


    PRIAS product bulletin                                                       Read more on EDAX website