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EDAX Octane Elite Ultra EDS/EDX System

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EDAX Octane Elite Ultra EDS/EDX System

EDAX Octane Elite Ultra EDS/EDX System

One detector for all your EDS applications





Introducing EDAX Octane Elite Ultra – the revolutionary energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) system for compositional analysis in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The Octane Elite Ultra establishes a new benchmark for EDS systems utilising a newly developed proprietary windowless 160 mm2 EDS detector. This not only delivers superior sensitivity to light and heavy elements but provides accurate analytical results at accelerating voltages up to 30 kV, making the Octane Elite Ultra the first windowless EDS detector suitable for everyday use. This unrivaled performance eliminates the need for a secondary EDS detector and ensures that your most demanding application needs are now met.



One detector for all your EDS applications – Delivers the accuracy and breadth of applications beyond what you expect, eliminating the need for multiple EDS detectors
Delivers unparalleled sensitivity for compositional mapping – Allows you to detect the lowest element concentrations with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) up to 25x better than conventional EDS detectors
Captures elemental and phase maps with unsurpassed spatial resolution – With a windowless sensor that is over 80% larger, rapidly analyse samples at the lowest accelerating voltages
Determines composition accurately over the broadest range of SEM conditions – Harnesses the power of an electron trap that operates at all accelerating voltages
Practical for multi-user environments – Exclusive design maximises uptime, ensuring you can focus on what’s important: your research

The Octane Elite Ultra uses an EDS sensor that is over three times larger than conventional large-area thin-window sensors. With its windowless design and top-of-the-line processing electronics, the Octane Elite Ultra boosts sensitivity up to 25 times. This allows for elemental maps to be collected in a fraction of the time taken previously, real-time collection of phase maps, or maps acquired with up to 25 times larger field of view at the same SNR.

The Octane Elite Ultra uses an EDS sensor that is >80% larger than any other windowless detector, ensuring exceptional results in the most demanding applications. This empowers users to operate the SEM at the lowest accelerating voltage or beam current, enabling analysis of nanoparticles, beam-sensitive samples such as hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites or tissue sections, low boron steels, and ultra-thin dielectric layers in semiconductor devices, delivering results at a spatial resolution approaching that of secondary or backscattered electron imaging for EDS analysis.

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.

Figure 1 below. Composite images of boron and cobalt elemental maps overlayed on the secondary electron image of a boron steel sample. a) Captured with the Octane Elite Ultra and b) another EDS detector; the superior sensitivity of the Octane Elite Ultra to light elements enables boron distribution to be mapped and determined quantitatively.


Octane Elite Ultra datasheet                                         Read more on EDAX's website