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Coherent OBIS LG and XT Compact CW DPSS Lasers

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Coherent OBIS LG and XT Compact CW DPSS Lasers

Coherent OBIS LG and XT Compact CW DPSS Lasers

Reliable and robust performance thanks to Coherent's patented PermAlign technology



OBIS LG and OBIS XT products are moving the self-contained OBIS concept into the UV and into a powerful visible wavelength, which are ideal for the latest UV fluorochromes and established 640nm excitable fluorochromes.


Low-noise UV and VIS lasers are ideal for OEM instrumentation applications in flow cytometry, super-resolution microscopy, confocal microscopy, and semiconductor inspection. Control electronics are integrated within the laser head. OBIS XT models generate very low thermal load.



  • Compact Integrated Package - Saves space and eliminates umbilicals
  • Solder-bonded Optics - Delivers high stability and longetivity
  • TEM00 Circular Beam - Supports diffraction-limited focus


For further information please contact us or download the OBIS LG datasheet (355nm) or OBIS XT datasheet (320nm, 349nm, 360nm, 640nm).


      OBIS LG datasheet                                                                   OBIS XT datasheet



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