CoolLED pE-340fura LED Illumination for Fura-2
CoolLED pE-340fura LED Illumination for Fura-2
Fast, controllable LED illumination, ratiometric calcium imaging
Utilising the successful pE-300 series platform, the pE-340fura is a bespoke LED illuminator for Fura-2 rationmetric calcium imaging, which also supports everyday fluorescence microscopy in a compact and affordable package.
The 340nm and 380nm LED illumination system provides the optimum excitation wavelengths for Fura-2-based calcium imaging allowing high-precision, stable, high-throughput imaging with video-rate time resolution.
Until recently, the response time of illumination systems for Fura-2 imaging have been limited to milliseconds due to mechanical switching of the wavelengths in arc lamp and monochromator systems. However, the new pE-340fura can be controlled via convenient BNC TTL connections for precise illumination control in as little as 20 microseconds.
The images below show a field of cardiac myocytes (heart cells). The cells were loaded with Fura-2 using standard conditions (i.e. incubation with 2 micromolar Fura-2 acetoxymethyl ester for 30 minutes, followed by an additional 30 minutes for de-esterification.
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.