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Linkam TS1400XY Stage

Linkam TS1400XY Stage

Linkam TS1400XY Stage

Temperature and environmental control from ambient to 1400C with XY sample manipulators

Linkam Scientific Instruments



The TS1400XY stage has been designed specifically for geologists and metallurgists. It offers a high-speed quench cooling feature to enable the user to quickly transfer the sample to a cold quenching post. Cooling rates of up to 240°C per second can be achieved. The ceramic heater surrounds the sample keeping the heat localised to the sample.


The stage is controlled by Linkam’s temperature controller and delivers a temperature range from ambient to 1400°C within a gas tight body and can heat samples at a rate of up to 200°C/min. The sample is mounted onto a sapphire sample slide and can be manipulated within the ceramic heater by 6mm in the X and Y axis.


A publication by Rosario Esposito* and his colleagues at Virigina Tech has demonstrated how this instrument can be used to investigate the behaviour of melt inclusions up to 1360°C.


For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


  TS1400XY datasheet                                                    Read more on Linkam's website