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WPI Trinocular Surgical Microscope

WPI Trinocular Surgical Microscope

WPI Trinocular Surgical Microscope

Portable high quality surgical microscope offering outstanding image quality and value

World Precision Instruments

WPIs improved precision surgical microscope (now with five magnification steps) is a portable high quality surgical microscope offering outstanding image quality and value. Incorporating an agile extension arm and excellent working distance objectives, the SurgioScope provides convenient movement and maneuverability necessary for accurate positioning. These important features, together with a high quality optical system, provide sharp image contrast and enhanced large field of vision. The SurgioScope comes fully equipped with a foot-controlled motorised focusing system, normally only found in more expensive surgical microscopes.


  • Motorised focusing system, allows hands-free operation
  • Lightweight, compact and easy to maneuver
  • Dual bulbs prevent illumination failure during surgery
  • Optional video adapter
  • Improved optics 119lp/mm
  • Convenient handles
  • New head tilting mechanism
  • Five magnification steps

A unique dual lamp housing enables safe and rapid changing of the lamp during an operation without the need to power down. The optional video port on the 'trinocular version (PSMT5) permits operational procedures to be monitored or recorded simultaneously using a COLCAM video camera and a video recorder or digital stills (and computer movies) with USBCAM50 digital microscope camera. The mobility of the USBCAM50 on the PSMT5 can be extended an additional 3 meters (to 6 meters) by use of an USB extension cable (503536).

For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.

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