Bruker Hysitron PI85L SEM PicoIndenter
Bruker Hysitron PI85L SEM PicoIndenter
Depth sensing nanomechanical test instrument for SEM's
Bruker's SEM PicoIndenter instruments are depth-sensing nanomechanical test systems that are specifically designed to leverage the advanced imaging capabilities of scanning electron microscopes (SEM, FIB/SEM). With these systems, it is possible to perform quantitative nanomechanical testing while simultaneously imaging with the SEM. The Hysitron PI 85L SEM PicoIndenter is a dedicated in-situ nanomechanical test instrument that is designed for use in SEM, but also is suitable for a variety of platforms and environments. Featuring Bruker's capacitive transducer working in conjunction with an extremely fast 78 kHz control system, the instrument provides exceptional performance and superior stability at nanoscale. The compact, low-profile design makes the system ideally suited for small-chamber SEMs, Raman and optical microscopes, beamlines, and more.
Designed for Performance and Versatility
The sample positioning stages of the system are designed to accommodate samples up to 10mm thick, while providing precise sample positioning with >3mm range in all three directions (XYZ). In addition, the mechanical coupling of the sample stage and the transducer provides a stable, rigid platform for nanomechanical testing. Overall, this low-profile instrument allows for maximum stage tilt and minimum working distance for optimal imaging during testing.
In-situ Mechanical Data Synchronised with SEM Imaging
In-situ mechanical data acquired with the PI 85L is synchronized with SEM imaging and displayed in side by side format. In the example at left, discontinuities in the load-displacement data are correlated to the onset of fracture observed in a FIB-milled beam containing copper interconnects and brittle dielectric material. Simultaneous mechanical measurements and SEM imaging enables a complete understanding of material deformation behavior.
Explore Behavior with Precise Modes
The PI 85L utilises a multitude of different modes to test fundamental mechanical properties, stress-strain behavior, stiffness, fracture toughness, and deformation mechanisms in a variety of different samples.
Expand Capabilities with Hybrid Techniques
In addition to the standard line-up of testing modes, the PI 85L can be upgraded with optional modes that further expand its capabilities. From heating options to electrical characterization, the PI 85L can adapt to your needs.
For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.