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Bruker Hysitron Ti 990 Nanomechanical Test System

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Bruker Hysitron Ti 990 Nanomechanical Test System

Bruker Hysitron Ti 990 Nanomechanical Test System

The world's most comprehensive nanomechanical testing with unmatched performance

Bruker NanoSurfaces


Bruker's next-generation Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter® sets new standards for performance, flexibility, and usability in nanomechanical and nanotribological characterisation. A comprehensive advancement of Bruker’s industry-leading TriboIndenter platform, every aspect of TI 990's measurement and analysis process features updated technologies designed to remove the normal limitations of nanoindenter systems. As such, this system features the most measurement modes available and delivers high-precision measurements in the broadest range of laboratory environments.


Unmatched performance and capabiities
Takes maximum advantage of the latest advances in Performech III control, nanoDMA IV testing, and XPM II ultra-high speed property mapping

Unlimited modular system
Enables the world's largest and most expandable suite of advanced nanomechanical techniques

Maximum measurement control and ease-of-use
Simplifies system setup, operationg and analysis with all-new TirboScan 12 software.


For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.


1 Dual piezo scanners for in-situ SPM imaging 8 Multi-layered environmental isolation enclosure
2 High-resolution, colour optics 9 Top-view sample-chuck imaging
3 Exclusive low-noise 2D capacitive transducer 10 Property mapping with XPM II ultrahigh-speed nanoindentation
4 Metrology-grade granite framing for test stability 11 Dynamic nanoindentation
5 Integrated active anti-vibration system 12 Modular enclosure with customisable panels
6 Performech III controller 13 Universal sample chuck
7 Vibration-dampening base with 50x improved nosie immunity 14 High-precision, motorised/automated stage with 60% more testable area



TI 990 Triboindenter brochure                                          Read more on Bruker's website