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TMC CleanBench High Capacity Workstation

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TMC CleanBench High Capacity Workstation

TMC CleanBench High Capacity Workstation

Higher capacity isolators and more massive stainless steel top plate




For table applications that require isolating over 160kg of net load, TMC recommend their 68-500 Series tables. They are similar in design to the 63-500 Series tables, but with higher capacity isolators and a more massive stainless steel top plate.


In addition to high load applications, 68-500 Series tables are also recommended for payloads with unusually high centres of gravity and equipment with moving stages. These applications should benefit from the increased stability of the 68-500 design.


With a stiffer, more massive top plate, a lower natural frequency isolator, and stiffer, heavier leg frames, 68-500 Series tables provide performance that is markedly superior to any other passive table commercially available.


For further information please contact us or download the datasheet.

Isolator natural frequency:
High input
Low input

Vertical = 1.0Hz, Horizontal = 0.8Hz
Vertical = 1.2 - 1.7Hz, Horizontal = 1.0 - 1.5Hz
Isolation efficiency @ 5 Hz 80-90% vertical and horizontal
Isolation efficiency @ 10Hz 90-99% vertical and horizontal
Net load capacity 545kg
Finish Medium texture black powder coat frame stainless steel top
Facilities required 80psi nitrogen or air


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