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APE WaveScan Laser Spectrometer

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APE WaveScan Laser Spectrometer

APE WaveScan Laser Spectrometer

Spectrometer for Mir-IR, IR, VIS or UV



waveScan spectrometer by APE is a compact and cost-efficient optical spectrometer to characterise light sources, e.g. ultrafast as well as cw laser systems. The rotating grating technology achieves high resolution at fair scan rates. This makes waveScan an ideal real-time alignment tool for laser systems.


  • High spectral resolution up to 0.05nm depending on the configuration
  • Wavelength ranges available from 200nm - 6300nm (UV/VIS/NIR/MIR)
  • Compact and robust design
  • Free-space or fibre input options
  • Easy to use - plug and play via USB connection; software included

waveScan Spectrometer is easy to use and supports plug and play via USB connection. The software is included and provides a bunch of featues. For example, waveScan automatically searches for one or two peaks in the measured spectrum and displays the peak wavelength, centroid wavelength, and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the peaks. In the "set peak search window" of the spectrometer software the user can set the wavelength windows in that the peaks are searched for. The user can lock these search windows to the selected "Wavelength window


  waveScan datasheet                                                       Read more on APE's website