+61 8 8150 5200

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APE GmbH is a market leading developer and manufacturer of components and systems for the ultrafast laser industry: precision, quality and service. The product range varies from autocorrelators to spectrometers, from acousto-optical instruments to synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators.


Product Keywords
APE Carpe Autocorrelator for Microscopy
Microscopy autocorrelator to measure pulse duration at sample location
APE Carpe autocorrelator
APE Cavity Dumper Kit
Intracavity reduction of pulse repetition rates
APE cavity dumper kit
APE FemtoControl Pulse Compressor
Pulse compression and dispersion compensation with femtoControl for femtosecond pulses
APE FemtoControl dispersion control device
APE HarmoniXX Frequency Converter
Frequency converters for ultrafast laser
APE Harmonixx frequency converter
APE Levante Emerald ps Tunable NIR OPO
Tunable automated ps NIR OPO suitable for an external green ps pump laser
APE Levante IR OPO synchronously pumped OPO mode-locked Nd:Vandate
APE Levante IR Synchronously Pumped OPO
Tunable automated ps or fs OPO suitable for an external IR pump laser
APE Levante IR synchronously pumped OPO
APE Mini TPA/PD Compact Autocorrelator
Compact size autocorrelator for routine tasks
APE Mini autocorrelator
APE OPO-X fs or ps Tunable OPO for Ti:S Laser
Tunable automated OPO suitable for Ti:S laser
APE picoemerald s OPO mode-locked Ti:S pump laser tumable picosecond
Tunable automated femtosecond OPO suitable for Ti:S laser
APE OPO PP Auto ynchronously pumped OPO mode-locked ps or fs Ti:S laser
APe pulseCheck NX Autocorrelator
A new generation in short-pulse measurement tools
APE PulseSelect Pulse Picker
Reducing the repetition rate of mode-locked lasers with a pulse picker
APE PulseSelect acousto-optic modulator pulse picker
APE PulseSlicer Pulse Shaper
Narrowing the bandwidth of pulsed lasers spectral cutting
APE PulseSlicer narrows broadband laser pulses
APE ScanDelay Optical Delay System
Precision optical delay line with high scanning speed
APE ScanDelay special drive
APE Spider Ultrashort Pulse Measurement
Precise characterisation of very short pulses down to <5 fs
APE IR Spider ultrafast spectral and temporal characterisation
APE WaveScan Laser Spectrometer
Spectrometer for Mir-IR, IR, VIS or UV
APE wavescan